The Paydirt Blog

Time Tracking Directly From Basecamp with Paydirt

We’re excited to announce that Paydirt now integrates seamlessly with Basecamp 3! You can now import your to-dos into Paydirt and, if you use Google Chrome and download our Paydirt Chrome Extension, you can log your time directly from your Basecamp project page!

This addition of Basecamp 3 will exist alongside our existing Basecamp 2 integration so, if you’re still using Basecamp 2, you won’t need to change a thing.

First, connect your Paydirt and Basecamp accounts:

Now you can import Basecamp Projects into Paydirt.
Head to your client’s screen in Paydirt, and select Create from Basecamp Project .

Choose the Basecamp Project to import.

When you import a Basecamp Project, you can import all of your to-dos right away, or have them created in Paydirt as you track time towards them using our Chrome Extension.

If you’ve installed our Chrome Extension you can now log time on your to-dos directly in Basecamp!

Open the context menu for a to-do, then click Log Time to add a time log, or Start Timer to start a timer ticking for that to-do.

Logging time happens directly in Basecamp, so you can keep working on you project uninterrupted!

And to-dos update in real time with their total duration logged.

We hope this makes time tracking in Basecamp a breeze for you and your team. If you need a hand getting set up we’ll be glad to help. Just email us at

Posted on

January 5, 2013

Start tracking time for free!




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