API: Jobs

The job object


id: integer

The job's unique id.

client_id: integer

The id of the client this job belongs to.

project_id: integer

The id of the project this job belongs to. This will be blank if the job is not part of a project.

name: string

The job's name

price: decimal

The job's price

price_type: integer

The job's price type identifier. (Per Hour: 0, Fixed Price: 1, Per User: 2)

unbilled_fixed_value: decimal

For fixed price jobs, the amount that remains unbilled.

estimate: integer

The amount of time in seconds that the user has estimated for this job's completion.

completed: boolean

Whether the job has been marked as completed.

Example response

  "job": {
    "id": 345,
    "client_id": 17,
    "project_id": 10,
    "name": "Web Consulting",
    "price": "85.0",
    "price_type": 0,
    "unbilled_fixed_value": "0.0",
    "estimate": 36000,
    "completed": false

List all jobs

Returns a list of all of your account's jobs.


An array of job objects.


GET /v1/jobs

Fetch a job

Retrieves the details of an existing job.


A job object, if a valid id was provided.


GET /v1/jobs/{JOB_ID}

Create a new job


project_id: integer (required)

The identifier of the project to associate with the job being created.

name: string (required)

The name of the job.

price_type: integer (required)

The price type of the job. When price_type is 0, the job is billed per-hour with the hourly rate set to the job's price. When the price_type is 1, the job has a fixed price, and time logged towards it will default to being unbillable. With a price_type of 2, the job is billed per-hour, at the hourly rate associated with the user logging time towards it.

price: decimal (required)

The price of the job. See the price_type parameter to interpret how this is used.

completed: boolean (optional)

Whether the job has been completed or not.

The newly created job object, if valid parameters were provided.


POST /v1/jobs

Updates an existing job


name: string (optional)

The name of the job.

project_id: integer (optional)

The identifier of the project to associate with the job being created.

completed: boolean (optional)

Whether the job has been completed or not.

The updated job object, if valid parameters were provided.


PUT /v1/jobs/{JOB_ID}

Delete an existing job


The removed job.


DELETE /v1/jobs/{JOB_ID}